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Transfer Team

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The West Midlands Transfer team offer to facilitate transfers currently 7 days a week

Key Facts about the ACCOTS Service:

Dedicated transfer vehicle with driver available 24hrs / day

Dedicated Co-ordinating Consultant available 24hrs / day

Dedicated Critical Care Transfer Team 08:00-22:00 7 days / week

Consultant / Senior Registrar and experienced ACCP or Critical Care Nurse 



What the Team Can Help With?

Advice about capacity across the region

Negotiating capacity transfers 

Transfer Team, trolley and vehicle to perform transfer during  daytime

Time critical transfers (if referred early in the patient pathway )

Co-ordination of the transfer and use of dedicated transfer vehicle outside these times

Expert advice on the management of specialist critical care patients

Access to the service is via the KIDS retrieval coordinating line, where you give details of your request and will be put through to a coordinating clinician.  Referrals can also be made via the refarapatient national portal:

call: 0300 200 1100


Referapatient portal link

ACCOTS Documents for Download

Referral Process for Decompression guideline

Referral/Transfer Handover Patient Details Form

Information for Relatives regarding Transfer

Hospital Notes When Undertaking a Transfer

SOP for Printing EPR Medical Record (Allscripts Sunrise)

ICU Transfer - create ICCA Discharge Document as for Ward Transfer.  Notes can also be printed from ICCA

     (select Home tab, then print icon, select discharge set, then print or save to pdf and email)

Worcestershire Acute ICU transfer Trolleys

We have just bought two fully equipped transfer trolleys, to be used for transfers between hospitals when the transfer team is not available.  The trolleys are fully compatible with West Midlands Ambulance Service Vans.  It is important to inform the WMAS team that you are using a transfer trolley, and that they will be leaving their trolley behind for the duration of the transfer (and will therefore need to collect it). 

NB: You may need to secure the monitoring/ventilation equipment yourself until the trust takes delivery of more stock as they are currently in short supply - nevertheless, the trolley allows them to be easily secured using the driver bank and easy mount systems (see pics below).


Trolleys are fully kitted out with the above equipment, which should have been checked, along with a grab bag of essential equipment.  Do not detatch anything from the trolley, or leave any equipment in the destination hospital.

The ventilator available will either be a Hamilton T1 or a Drager Oxylog.  Make sure you are familiar with this equipment.

If you are not familiar with the Hamilton T1 transport ventilator, a more detailed video link can be found on the equipment section of the ICU coronavirus tab.

Worcestershire Acute training video of how to set up and use the Ferno ICU transfer trolley, and set up the Hamilton T1 ventilator for use, including in children/neonates.

Hamilton T1 transfer trolley video

Preparation is key to a safe transfer: 

Please make sure you have prepared a summary of patient care detailing items within the following checklist prior to transfer:

Please use the following checkist prior to transfer:

Please use a transfer document to record transfer.

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